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Kintsu Meme Competition: Show Off Your Creativity!

Posted June 21, 2024

Kintsu Meme Competition: Show Off Your Creativity!

We are excited to announce the Kintsu Meme Competition, a fun and engaging way to showcase your creativity and win amazing prizes! This competition is designed to bring the community together and highlight the best meme creators among us.

How to Participate

  1. Create a Meme: Use your creativity to make the best memes combining Kinox and/or Liqashy with Molandak, Moyaki, Chog and the rest of the Monad ecosystem characters of your choice.
  2. Share on X and Discord: Post your meme on X (Twitter) and share it in our “Competition” channel on Discord.
  3. Engage the Community: Get reactions from the community on your meme. The top 10 memes with the most reactions will advance to the final round.


  • 1st Place: OG Role
  • 2nd Place: Ambassador Role
  • 3rd Place: Ambassador Role

Judging Process

The top 10 memes will be reviewed by our esteemed Mememaster Judges: @Evoyudhasamael, @be_kindplss, and @SkillovuU. These judges will select the top 3 winners based on creativity, humor, and relevance.

Competition Duration

The competition will kick off on Monday, June 24th, and will run until midnight on Sunday, June 30th. Winners will be announced on Monday, July 1st. This timeline gives everyone ample opportunity to craft and share their best memes. Don’t miss out on this exciting chance to have fun and win amazing rewards!

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