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🧹Introducing Sōji Day!🧹

Posted June 24, 2024

🧹Introducing Sōji Day!🧹

We’re excited to introduce Sōji Day, a new initiative inspired by Monad’s Purge Day, designed to keep our community vibrant and active!

What is Sōji Day? 

“Sōji” means cleaning in Japanese, and every Friday, we’ll be conducting a community clean-up to ensure our roles reflect the most active and dedicated members. 

What Will Be Happening:

  • Role Review: We will review all roles, including OG and Ambassador roles, to evaluate each member’s contributions and activity levels.
  • Active Participation: Members who have consistently contributed and met the expectations will be acknowledged and reviewed for potential OG/Ambassador roles.
  • Inactivity Consequences: Members who have been inactive or not meeting the role expectations may be reviewed for demotion from both Ambassador and OG roles.

Why Are We Doing This?

  • Maintain Vibrancy: Ensures that our community remains lively and dynamic.
  • Reward Dedication: Recognizes and rewards members who actively contribute to the community’s growth and success.
  • Encourage Engagement: Motivates all members to stay engaged and involved.

Let’s keep Kintsu thriving and active together! Make sure to participate, contribute, and engage with the community to maintain or achieve your roles. 

Thank you for being a part of the Kintsu family. Let’s make every Soji Day a step towards a more vibrant and active community!

FIRST “Sōji Day” WILL BE FRIDAY 28th June 2024!!!


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